Nütrl Lime Vodka Soda
SKU: 9975

Nütrl Lime Vodka Soda


Available for:
Category Flavored Vodka
Brand Nütrl
Origin Canada, British Columbia
Alcohol/vol 5%
Nütrl Vodka Soda is a true innovation… the first of its kind. It's a super-simple-super-premium craft vodka soda made without sugar, sweeteners or preservatives. Simply craft vodka, sodium free carbonated water and natural flavours. Nütrl Vodka Soda is a wildly light, easy drinking, totally refreshing, sugar free, additive free, 5% alcohol, ready to drink, premium craft vodka refresher. It's the perfect change up from the usual sugary-sweet cooler.

Are you 21 years old, or older?
